I’ve heard the about quote my whole life, and decided it was time
for my finally journey to getting healthy.
I’ve toyed with it in the
past, gotten to the outskirts of my destination, but always ended back
at my starting point, if not a bit worse for wear.
This has to be my last time. I will get there this time. I say this for a number of reasons.
1 – I’m in the worst shape ever. I’m over 400 pounds. That
is as close to the actual number that I will get at this time. Maybe
when I get away from the number, I will be able to utter it, we shall
see. But I am so weak and sedentary, its plain sad.
2 – My health has deteriorated. I am now officially a
diabetic, also diagnosed with hypothyroidism, among other underlying
issues. I’m on three medications. Three! It brings to mind images of my
grandparents basket of prescriptions that was passed around the
breakfast table each morning. Makes me feel old. I’m only 44!
3 – I want to be the Mother and Wife I know I can be and the one my family deserves.
4 – I have God. Of course I’ve always had Him, but I never
relied on Him when it came to my trying to work toward better health.
With Him, anything can be achieved.
After these last few months, its even more critical.
Seven years ago, we helplessly watched a family member get sicker
and sicker and do nothing to become healthier, until it was too later.
We lost them years before it was necessary if he had taken the time to
eat well, work out and stop smoking. A year later, we lost someone else,
even younger, to poor choices and ignoring warning signs.
Now, even though he made it to 82, if he had gone to the doctor
when he first started feeling poorly, you cannot convince me that he
wouldn’t have had more time with us all and not gotten so weak at this
point that he couldn’t have fought back even more than he did.
I had never been begged so much to step up and try harder, to
please take care of me for myself, for my family. I hated the looks of
pity I was getting from everyone, it just made me loathe myself even
more. Time to step it up.
So begins my journey. You are welcome to walk along. I’ll need all of the allies I can get.