Thursday, October 27, 2016

Trunks of Treats

Our church has been hosting a trunk of treats since 2014. The first year, we participated, and it was a blast. So much so that we immediately planned our theme for 2015 - we were going to do a trunk based off of the movie Up.

Fast forward to 2015 - the best laid plans, as they say. Trunk of Treats was held on September 25.
On that day, I was 10 days post op from my tracheotomy, and just a bit over a week since I was transferred from Orange Park Medical to Specialty Hospital, which was actually my favorite of the three places I stayed, if there is such a thing as a favorite.

Randall got Daniel dressed in his costume, and took him to the church. I wouldn't have had it any other way - I already felt like I had presented so many family memories with my immobility as I declined over the last few years, and wasn't about to stand in the way of this, too.
On their way home, they stopped by and visited me. The memory is more what I have been told happened than actual remembrance.

This year, we had retribution. I worked hours preparing our costumes, the decor for the van. And then came trunk of treats night...

The van was decked out too...

We had so much fun - everyone loved our theme, and its so wonderful to open up and minister to all of these families.

Thank you, Jesus, for all that you have done for me, for us.