Monday, May 29, 2017

The Chair

Just about a year ago, our church remodeled one of the auditoriums. This is a gathering room where Wednesday night services are held, along with some special services involving certain ministries, etc.
Daniel's choir class sings, often in the Wednesday service, and we went to the auditorium to watch the fourth grade sing a few weeks after they reopened the auditorium.

Imagine my horror when I saw that the pews had been replaced with this theater like seating. My heart immediately sunk, because I knew I would never be able to squeeze my ample rear end into the seats. I precariously perched myself at the very edge of a seat, causing my knees to scream under the added pressure. I sat and felt hot, humiliated tears roll down my cheeks, tears I held back until Daniel left to join his choir,

I was so distraught that I penned a letter to the pastor, telling him I felt like I was being fat shamed out of the services. Randall tried to be as supportive as possible, telling me about several other members of the congregation that he saw also struggling with being comfortable in the new seats.  I love him for trying to help, but it just didn't.

I never sent the letter, and over time, I made my peace with the issue, and only went to the auditorium when I absolutely had to. It made my heart sad that I was missing services that the church had, but felt like I had no choice. As I lost some weight, I also luckily found a few Handicapped seats at the very back that had one  arm that would raise, and it allowed my overflow to overflow that side, making the seats more tolerable. At the same time, it made me feel even worse in a way, just making it all that much more blatantly obvious that my weight was handicapping me, preventing me from experiencing all that my life could offer me.

Two weeks ago, Randall and I started a training series at church on Sunday mornings - we were chosen to represent our Sunday School class, so there was no way we would decline the opportunity. Imagine my chagrin when I found out it was being held in the auditorium!

Of course, the instructor wanted everyone to sit at the front, which made me feel even more like a circus freak show when we sat in the back row where the handicapped seating was. I was just grateful that we weren't made even moire of a spectacle by the instructor.  

Fast forward to week two. We came in to class yesterday and took our seats. I did notice that sitting there was even more comfortable than before to sir there. I looked at Randall and said," I think I'm going to try a regular seat. " I could tell he was a little apprehensive, not wanting me to be hurt again.

I got up, and slowly lowered myself between the two arms.

All. The. Way. Back.

I fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the second time in just a year, these seats reduced me to tears, This time, very very happy tears. I had been a bit lax in my carbs lately - case in point - Randall and I split a muffin before entering the auditorium that day - and but was sure fire motivation.

Bacon and coffee for breakfast this morning, and then its on to a Memorial Day cookout at Mom's - steaks and cauli-rice.

Its nice to be back to being a loser.  Ha! Made you smile!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Recipe: Fried Green Tomatoes {Lower Carb, Grain Free, Gluten Free}

We are beginning to incorporate more low glycemic  fruits and vegetables into our diet, trying to find the right combo that keeps us healthy. All processed sugars, grains and large amounts of dairy are still pushed to the wayside, but when I saw that South Carolina peaches were in at the Farmer's Market, I did some research.

Berries are permitted in keto. Peaches have a glycemic rate of 42. Strawberries, which are allowed, are 40. Cherries, another fave of mine, are in the 20's. Peaches have 12 net grams of carbs. I realized that adding more of the foods God made for us to eat would only put us at 50 or so carbs a day, which is still way low. I believe for is, its going to be worth it.

We got some green tomatoes when we picked up the peaches, and I fried those puppies up today. I used almond meal instead of flour, to mimic the texture of corn meal, which is a pretty traditional coating. 

Total winner - two happy southern campers here!

Fried Green Tomatoes 

{Lower Carb, Grain free, Gluten Free}


  • 1 - 2 Green Tomatoes, sliced
  • 1/2 c. almond meal
  • 1/4 c grated parmesan
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • choice of oil for frying
    Slice tomatoes in about 1/2 inch slices
    Mix almond meal and cheese together, with s & p
    Dredge each slice and place in lightly oiled skillet / pan
     Fry 5-7 minutes on medium, turn gingerly with spatula and brown on other side
    Serve immediately - can be transferred to a cookie sheet for reheating later (15 minutes at 375)

    5 net carbs for serving as shown in picture


De-Funking the Defunct

I'm finally doing some housecleaning! Not literally, but of the literary kind.

Over these last few years, I have begun several blogs, only to let them fall to the wayside. I've always been partial to this one, and always seemed to be drawn back to it. Since there were so few posts on them they remained obscure and buried in cyber space.

So, I decided to add tabs to the top, each with the title of the blog. Each post is under the tab, the most recent first. This is referring to the last 4 tabs at the top of the main page.

If I have something on my mind that would have been most suited for one of these, I will write it there, along with a heads up post on the main B&B site. I'm excited to see it all coming together!

Feel free to peruse the tabs. I hope you enjoy!

Monday, May 22, 2017

La La La Life Goes on....

Life has a funny way of taking up all of your time when you let it.

Today is May 22, 2017.

My last post was November 9, 2016.

its been 195 days.

Thanksgiving came.

Christmas passed.

New Year's came, along with another bout of cellulitis that had me being the guest of the Orange Park Medical Center for 5 days.

Daniel turned 10.

Easter passed.

And in between, I cooked and cleaned and went outta my head!! Sorry, just a little nod to Alice now that they started showing re-runs!

I've always got things swimming around in my head that I want to share, then something always comes up, and I'm pulled away. I've been feeling that pull stronger than normal lately, so its about time to do something about it. 

So, here's my pledge that I start getting some of these thoughts tapped out on my keyboard going forward.