Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Picking My Poison

Right now, I am easing back into the eating routine that I had while in the hospital - no mindless snacking and proportioned meals. Granted, I slept a ton more in hospital, for both healing and to combat boredom, but I am sure I will strike a balance over time.

One thing I eliminated, or am eliminating, is processed sugar. I don't plan on going totally sugar free right out of the gate, but it may come to that. Last week, I noticed that my ankles, calves and feet were starting to swell more again. At first I contributed it to the ridiculously warm weather we were having, along with skipping a few of my water pills.

Then my knees began to kill me, along with my elbows. Elbows? I thought about it for a while and thought about all of the information I had read about sugar. Sugar is the largest inflammatory food there is. I wondered if all of the sweets I had indulged in over the holidays was causing the swelling, joint pain, not to mention the lethargy I was suffering from.

So, no more candy, cookies, et cetera et cetera. Within 24 hours, my energy perked back up. Last night, night number two, no foot swelling. Amazing. I even ate a few pieces of candy yesterday when I had gotten mad at something and still saw improvement. Note to self: stop the emotional eating - it does nothing but hurt you or prolong your success at the very least.

 The moral of the story: Carefully pick your poison. It can kill you. Sugar is definitely one of them.

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